Concealed and Provisional Concealed Weapon Permit Information

Download WV Concealed and Provisional Concealed Weapon Permit Application.
Download Concealed and Provisional Concealed Weapon Permit Information.
Qualification to carry a concealed pistol or revolver in the state of West Virginia (WV code 61-7-4)
Be a resident of the state of WV and resident of the county in which the application is filed. (Valid driver’s license or photo ID is required)
Be at least 21 years of age to apply for concealed weapon or be at least 18 years of age and less than 21 years of age to apply for provisional concealed weapon.
Not be addicted to or an unlawful user of alcohol, controlled substance or other drugs.
Not been convicted of a felony.
Not been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of violence involving the use of a deadly weapon.
Not been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence.
Not currently be subject to a temporary or final violence protection order.
Not be on probation or any other form of judicial supervision for any misdemeanor.
Not under any indictment for any felony.
Not have been adjudicated mentally incompetent by any court.
Be physically and mentally competent to carry a concealed handgun.
Have successfully completed one of several specified forms of training in handling and firing a handgun.
Non resident application fee: $100